5 minute Wonders Mechanist Sci-Fi/Future/Modern/Other Worlds/Space Small/Short Warehouse
Last month a bright streak lit up the night sky, brighter than any falling star I've seen. Whatever it was, it crashed far out in the south desert. Two days later rumors began to buzz around the ci... Read more
Garett "Kung Fu Gecko" Choy
Last month a bright streak lit up the night sky, brighter than any falling star I've seen. Whatever it was, it crashed far out in the south desert. Two days later rumors began to buzz around the city that it was no star, but a flying machine made by men who come from the stars. Sounds ridiculous to me. I didn't put further thought to it till now.
I ran into Willie the drunk yesterday. As usual he was drunk and spouting about his 'abuction' and screaming about the 'truth being out there'. Whatever. People stopped paying attention to Willie when he started claiming that he was kidnapped by these aliens. But tonight he caught my attention; he says he hears 'them' calling him, but this time from within the compound of the Mechanist military base in the south desert; and more precisely, Warehouse 51. The curious thing is common folk don't know about Warehouse 51 or that there is anything special about it, especially not someone like Willie. I've only come to hear about because of some of my stealthy escapades.
Warehouse 51 is in a section of storage buildings in a Mechanist compound. It's off limits to everyone but the Mechanist military which controls it. Rumor has it that the crashed object from the sky was recovered by the Mechanist. If the Mechanists have it, they'll most likely store it somewhere in the compound. If Willie's 'sense' can be trusted, he's already narrowed down the possibilities for me.
Eh, I'm bored tonight and my curiosity on this one is killing me.
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