Brother McEla (Mäkelä)
"In times of despair and misfortune,
didst we hold our ground.
Endured only the few did and remained vigilant
over the slain brethren.
Again the time to see
the blood of the righteous, as it
did here today, will come.
Then 'tis for the young and bravehearted to
judge decisions of time past and
tell the tale of a few brave sentinels.
Now hast my time come to endure death
one final instance."
-Last passage of the last Sentinel
Two nights ago, when I ordered my fifth pint of ale over at the local pub, the door slammed open, and this clearly drunken fellow came in and sat next to me. I was about to seat myself at another table when he turned and presented himself;
"Walken", he said, "Terrence Walken", he added.
I didn't want to seem rude, so I chatted with him for a while. He told me he owned his own plumbing company and about the problems of installing sewer pipes big enough to hold a man into solid rock. I told him I was in the carpeting business and asked where he had worked recently. It turns out he'd been doing some renovating over at Lord Baffords TwelveThorne estate. Bafford uses it to house important associates and other such people. He has more or less sold his old manor and is moving out of it. I wonder why...
There's been all sorts of rumours going about how he shut down DeWall's operations, more likely he just switched ownership of the various gambling dens and such. And now he's supposedly chewing on Websters organization, as it was badly crippled during the raid. Looks like he wants to play too and there's no room in the sandbox so he's just making some. A saint in the eyes of law and a sinner to the unlawful. Something tells me this won't last long.
Aside from the usual Walken mentioned something else, Baffords minions have apparently got their pawns on The IronClad Hammer somewhere in Olde Quarter. I could not remember why it sounded so important, but the day after I contacted Wells, my only source when it comes to ancient history, he doesn't have accurate records since the Hammers don't let him study their writing as he's not part of the fold. However, he told me a story about the Sentinels, a special division in the brotherhood that has been abolished a long time ago. The group consisted of great architects, scientists and such. Apparently every last member died during the Olde Quarter siege. They were the ones who sealed the Cathedral and perished doing so. When a few brave hammers came to collect their bodies, they found alongside the Sentinel leader Leon an ornamental hammer with the blood from every member of the group on it. It was declared a testimony of courage and righteousness at the spot, but it was lost during the confusion and mayhem. Wells did point out that it was worth a fortune, and he knew a few people who were willing to pay for it too.
I pulled a few strings and found out where it was currently located. I know that it is on display somewhere in the TwelveThorne manor, but that it is all too heavily guarded in a room with only one entrance. I also know that Bafford, greedy as ever, is going to sell it to the highest bidder, but who it is remains a mystery. I'll better find out who it is, that person might be a bit more lax when it comes to keeping
the relic safe and therefore be easier to make a hit on.
I do know the chief of the house guard in TwelveThorne, Marcus, he has not been all that friendly with amongst others Cutty, he was the one who snitched on him to the Hammers, I think it might be time to have some of that sweet revenge.
Still remembering the last entanglement with religious fanatics and mad gods, I think I'm up to the challenge, bring it on...
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