Bar/Inn/Tavern/Hotel City Houses/Cottages/Apartments Rescue Sewer Small/Short
They say you're one of the best... and that you know how to be discreet, which is exactly what I need right now. John Everett, a corrupt politician and crime boss I've dedicated the last several... Read more
AntiMatter_16 (Michael A. Cleveland)
They say you're one of the best... and that you know how to be
discreet, which is exactly what I need right now. John Everett, a
corrupt politician and crime boss I've dedicated the last several years
of my life to putting out of business, has kidnapped my daughter, Ariel,
and is threatening her life unless I retire from public service, and
give up trying to expose him. I can't let let him win... and I can't
lose my only daughter! I need you to break into his house where he's
holding her, and rescue her unharmed. Please! I love my daughter more
than life itself, and I'll pay you as well as I can for her safe return.
I pray you do not fail...
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