Mechanist Thieves Highway/Rooftop Tower
Garrett: The New Scripture of the Master Builder? Viktoria: Karras is rewriting ancient Hammer texts. But to what end, we don't know. Garrett: So you want me to find out. Viktoria: Yes. But th... Read more
Emil Pagliarulo
Level designer
Garrett: The New Scripture of the Master Builder?
Viktoria: Karras is rewriting ancient Hammer texts. But to what end, we don't know.
Garrett: So you want me to find out.
Viktoria: Yes. But there's a more pressing problem. Karras is throwing a ball for
the local nobility at Angelwatch, the new Mechanist tower in Dayport. We
need to know what he is up to. You have to be there, Garrett, tonight, while
the party is in progress.
Garrett: Angelwatch? Is this how our arrangement is gonna work, you coming up
with ways for me to get myself killed?
Viktoria: Is this really Garrett the Master Thief I hear talking? If danger is
going to be a problem for you, then...
Garrett: Just-- give me the details.
Viktoria: Security at the tower will be extra heavy with the City's nobility in
attendance, so gaining entrance will be difficult.
Garrett: For you maybe, but I won't be knocking on the front door. The rooftops
aren't called the Thieves' Highway for nothing.
Viktoria: I have some equipment for you. You should begin immediately. And also...
Garrett: Remember to pickpocket the party guests.
Viktoria: must find out whatever you can about the Cetus Project, a name our
agents have overheard repeatedly. Karras has an office in the tower. Try to
obtain some information there.
Garrett: Brilliant idea, try to find information about Karras' secret project... in his office.
Viktoria: You do remember who the enemy is, don't you Garrett?
Garrett: If your information is wrong, and I end up risking my neck for nothing,
this arrangement is over. Then try asking me that question again.
star 9.30