I went to Markham's Isle looking for three things: Viktoria's agent, the Cetus Project, and Brother Cavador. There wasn't much I could do to help old Lotus, at least he passed on his information ... Read more
Sara Verrilli
Primary architectural designer
Mike Ryan
Level designer
I went to Markham's Isle looking for three things: Viktoria's agent, the
Cetus Project, and Brother Cavador. There wasn't much I could do to help
old Lotus, at least he passed on his information to me.
And now I know more about the Cetus Project than I ever wanted to. They've built
a ship that can can sail underwater. Turns out this ugly iron fish is my link to Cavador.
The only way I can reach him is to hitch a ride in its belly. Viktoria had better
appreciate all the trouble I'm going through. 'Course it's not enough just to
find Brother Cavador at this mysterious "K.D. site", I said I'd bring him
back... in one piece.
Maybe I should find some other way home, I'm cramped enough here without Cavador in tow.
Besides, travelling Mechanist-style just doesn't agree with me, and as long as I'm going
to their secret site I might as well as keep my eyes and ears open. Sometimes it's the
smallest leak that makes the biggest difference.
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