City Hammerite Mages Mansion/Estate Museum Phobic (Spiders/Heights) Relic/Artifact/Talisman Ruins Thieves Highway/Rooftop Tombs/Catacombs/Crypts Undead
The main reason for your presence in Tolham tonight is to locate and steal the power stones. There are three of them: Sintabaz's Red, Voidman's Amber, and Tharmaz's Azure. Further study of historic... Read more
Lord Taffer
The main reason for your presence in Tolham tonight is to locate and steal the power stones. There are three of them: Sintabaz's Red, Voidman's Amber, and Tharmaz's Azure. Further study of historical tomes led me to the conclusion that the stones are most likely located in Tolham, as the city of Tolham was mentioned in the last reference to them. Each one of them is a priceless artefact, and even just one of the stones would make your purse heavy enough to keep you away from thieving for a long time. Find as many as you can and bring them to me.
Tolham is a blend of towering buildings, intricate machinery, and much older structures of possibly antique origin. In certain places, one can almost feel the old magics rippling through the air. In fact, magic is what I want you to look for. Close to the city centre, there is a tower inhabited by a mage. You might try to gather some information about the stones from there. He might even posses one.
The Private Museum could be a lucrative target for a thief of your skill. Curator Dromius owns a valuable sceptre, and there are likely many other trinkets lying around. I've also heard a rumour that Curator Dromius might have connections to a shady figure called Sir Darklon. I have reason to believe these two have some special items stashed away, such as Zorgan's Bracelet and Artefact of Seasons. Especially the latter is very valuable.
Finally, when you're done with your objectives, head southwest. There's a small, relatively unknown gate that leads out of Tolham. At night, there's no access to this gate, but I know you can reach it through a shaft. It doesn't get darker than it is in Tolham this time of year, so time to head out.
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