In The Black Parade you play the character of Hume, a hardened criminal who was sent into exile as a punishment for his crimes. The year is 833, you are now back in The City, a sprawling metropolis...
"There was a time when thieves and murderers strived as darkness ruled;
The heathens slept, dreaming their heretical way of life would last forever.
But then came the Master Builder, and with Him...
It's not too often that I venture outside of The City, but tonight's job was just too tempting of an opportunity to pass up. I received a lucrative offer to travel to the city of Bohn to steal a pr...
An associate of mine has learned through his sources that a certain
noblewoman in Downtowne, Lady Blexham, has a little burrick problem.
She heard sounds coming from an unspecified room in her m...
Last night, Cutty asked me to find Harren, one of his informants who recently disappeared into the Sealed Quarter. He used to work for a group of thieves who operate at the South border of the Wall...
"Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops."
- Luke 12:3
The district of Highm...
I had been planning to break into the manor of Lord Duncan Malveine for some time, since the old
goat was in possession of the world's largest diamond, the "Star of Séraphine". A score like that
It’s not often I get such a good tip from idle gossip.
For weeks I heard rumours that the run-down southern town of Navenvolk was awash with fears of an imminent crisis. I didn’t pay them much at...
It has come to my knowledge that Lord Witherdale has recently acquired a small but highly valuable collection of ancient jewels.
The manor is well guarded and almost inaccessible, except from a ...
Hey, it's been awhile since I set foot inside here. This place has seen better days. I'm not here to stay, anyway, just long enough to take care of a little job.
A man called Sebastian has come ...