Horror Mansion/Estate Mystery/Detective Novelty/Experimental
I had been planning to break into the manor of Lord Duncan Malveine for some time, since the old goat was in possession of the world's largest diamond, the "Star of Séraphine". A score like that ... Read more
nicked (Nick Dablin)
I had been planning to break into the manor of Lord Duncan Malveine for some time, since the old
goat was in possession of the world's largest diamond, the "Star of Séraphine". A score like that
would set me up for a long time. I thought I had all the time in the world to carefully gather
maps and information before I made my move. Unfortunately, someone decided to kill Lord Malveine,
and there's no telling whether or not the diamond will still be in his vault once the will has
been read.
I was all ready to give it up as a missed opportunity when my fence put me in touch with a
mysterious stranger who claims to have been a close friend of Duncan Malveine. This fellow kept
his face hidden and his voice low; I guess it wouldn't do for members of the aristocracy to be
seen associating with ruffians like me. However, what he had to say intrigued me, and the bag of
gold he gave me intrigued me even further.
He believes that Duncan was murdered by someone in the household - one of his family, or maybe a
servant or regular guest of the house. He wants me to break in and see if I can find out who
among them committed the murder. Apparently he's due to visit the household tomorrow for the
funeral. Once I find out who the killer is, I'm to leave a sign by illuminating a painting of the
guilty party in the mansion's portrait gallery. My mysterious benefactor claims to have enough
influence over the family to ensure justice is done, and he's provided me with a detailed map of
the place.
Whoever he is, he seems hell-bent on revenge and has nothing but disdain for the rest of
Malveine's family. He couldn't care less if I steal the Star of Séraphine, as long as I can tell
him who killed his friend. Still, this job could bring a lot of heat my way, so I'll see if I can
frame someone else for the theft while I'm there.
This'll be a challenging job, but with the diamond and the money I'm getting for revealing the
murderer, it'll be worth the risk...
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