Mr. Lazarius runs a gambling den at his new mansion, taking bets from the horse racing authority. But something is admist, he's been losing his bets lately and for some reason he still manage to ke...
What that woman paid in bribes to find me had to be no small amount. She began to speak as she deposited two large and shining gems on the table. "I will give you half dozen more if you discover wh...
You had stayed up late the night before, so you decided to hit the pillow early to be up before dawn.
It was very early in the morning, then you heard a tapping at the door, "Who the hell could th...
The only thing greater than the wealth of Lord Calibrus is his reclusiveness. An influential benefactor of the Hammerites, he is also known for his amateur zoology. His home is a converted castle o...
I love stealing from that old goat Rumsford and generally being a major thorn in his side. But this time it wasn't easy getting this high priced trinket from his possession. I took a couple crossbo...
When - Several months before the first event of Thief 2. Garret is confronted one morning by a messenger boy who has a letter for him.
"Dear Garrett,
It has in truth been years s...
Some days you just feel lucky. A local fence told me some homeless guy stumbled on something very interesting. From the sound of it, the bum found an entrance to a Keeper facility. Standard practic...
You've just paid handsomely for the construction of a secluded hideaway adjacent to the Great Forest. The contractor was as discrete as a lot of money and threats can cause him to be. How the contr...
A Thief is captured that knows all about Garretts secret plans so you have
to kill him before he gives them out to Loard Ganrish. The building is similar to lord baffords. A Lord Bafford type mis...