Lady Heike and Lord Claus were married yesterday on their estate. The guests have gone home already but surely there will still be some confusion? The perfect time to visit Lady Heike... perhaps I ...
A week ago, some Keepers paid a visit to me and told me a story about an old castle in the forbidden forest that was once run by the Hammers as catacombs. The Trickster put a spell on all the dead...
Mission One: A Long way up - time location: just before Thief 3.
It’s a quiet, mid-September afternoon and you, Garrett, Master of thieves, find yourself slowly remembering the adventures of th...
Lord Borrington lives on the coast to the west of the City. Famous for his
historical research of the Precursors. He recently aquired a mask, a Precursor mask. Nothing special you thought until ...
Garrett's diary:
Slowly but surely it's getting wintry again. Normally I would enjoy it because I like the long dark nights in winter... more time for me to 'work'. But annoyingly there are fewer ...
I've been stuck in this cave for 2 weeks now, so I thought I'd take up a pen and paper to pass the time.
I wish I knew who let Lord Chauncy know it was me who raided his family tomb. He's now ap...
After a long night of foiling Karas'
plans, Garrett settles down for a couple of days.
He then decides that he needs some more money for weapons
due to the fact that the Mechinists are still o...
Deine schuleiterin konnte ihre blaehungen nicht zurueck halten, wodurch eine kraft entstand, die maechtig genug war, die komplette schule in das universum zu katapultieren. Um den effekt umzukehren...
"Not long ago an old accomplice of yours, Castor, came to you with a proposition to infiltrate
a mansion owned by the City Watch. In this mansion lies a gem with incredible value. It's
It was a good period for Garrett. He had many occasions to show his talents. The city guards and the low districts rascals would not bother him now. His last job was to steal Lord Berkman's scepte...
It was a good period for Garrett. He had many occasions to show his talents. The city guards and the low districts rascals would not bother him now. His last job was to steal Lord Berkman's sceptr...
The Keeper of the Bell is not a Keeper of keys, or of secrets, nor of people. Evil has Risen once again, along with
mans way of forgetting the basic rules and structures that make us Human. Trag...
On your way to grab some grub at a nearby tavern, a band of city guards transporting something spotted you as you tried to grab the contents of the crate for yourself! They didn't nab you, however...
After a professional visit in Port Tyris turned sour you needed a safe ticket back to the City - with your take and your skin intact. Pulling some strings has bought you passage in a cosy crate abo...
This is more of a demo, really… I will likely never finish my mission Spoof: The Daft Project,
which was to spoof well-known movies and TV shows. So I’m releasing the only part of it
which I’ve c...
If you have followed my instructions, by the time you read this, you should be well
on your way to the Grieving Burrick Inn. Remember when that Thief Garrett stole the
scepter of fat Lord Baffo...