Your name is Diego San. No, you're not roleplaying as Garrett in THIS fan-mission. It's not The City, it's Goldenbrade, and you were sent by your boss into the old DiegoFM HQ to investigate the rec...
The mission starts some time after the events of Ulysses: Genesis, and continues the story of Ulysses. It is a medium sized mission with a focus on stealthy assassinations and hostage liberation.
Brother Merek is a crazy priest. I know that. You know that. Even the Hammerites know
that, but they've pretending that the problem doesn't exit. Maybe it's because Brother
Merek and his lackey...
"No man knows till he has suffered from the night how sweet and dear to his heart and eye the morning can be."
- Bram Stoker, Dracula
"Alas! for this gray shadow, once a man—
So glorious in hi...
A satchel found its way into my residence recently, and that leaves me uneasy. The contents included a map to a town called Meliae, a sealed letter, a second letter addressed to myself, and 3,000 i...
Basso has been missing for days. In your efforts to locate him, you have narrowed down his location to a mansion in South Quarter. Naturally, it’s held in force by a radical group of the City Watch...
LQD is a medium sized FM, made for the TDM unusual contest 2013, where Thomas Porter sets out to get rid of the Lich Queen once and for all! Will he succeed, or will the evil Lich Queen get her sin...
In this campaign you play a new character I chose to call Reuben for no specific reason. Set shortly after the demise of the Hag, in a new city on an island far off the shore of the Audale Docks, w...
At the local pub, I overheard one of the local thieves, Nigel, bragging about how he and a few others from the West Side gang had found some hidden treasure in the caves near Nigel’s house and they...
It has been a long evening and I just want to go home to my wife.
I hope she is home, I'm not sure because she had spoken about visiting a friend.
I am sure she left a note in that case.
Why did I ever enlighten myself on the subject of wizards?
Like all braggarts, they're so smug, yet believe they're so majestic.
So why should it be me they ask for help from, when they find th...
A day, a man became an organisation's cheftain. This man wanted to make the city safe where crimes and thieveries does not exist. This man have used corruption against the men who have corrupted hi...
There was an urgent knocking on my door tonight. I briefly thought the city watch had come for me but the knocking was too soft. A young lady had come to me with 'important news' regarding my sa...
Dunver gave me the list of moneybags from North Quarter yesterday as promised and informed me that some mysterious murders are happening in the Old Quarter. All suspicions are on Lord Cooper, but h...