Garret has been hired by Mr. Ascenso to invistigate his home, about what's making teddy bear's flying, since his wife Gloria Creep is the author of the flying teddy bears doesn't reveal to his husb...
With all the chaos in The City after the death of our beloved Father Karras, Brothers Glatzel and Sacco have moved a small band of us to a castle in the mountains far to the north. Here we intend t...
It seems Garret has been caught in a trap set by the City Watch while he was trying to steal a precious tiara in a jewelry store. He went to the court and there he was sentenced to be tossed in the...
You're bored. Kill 2 guards, one in the start rooom and one by the fountain behind the "Ring of Vlad" gate, and then find & steal 2000 loot, plus a few more things you may find along the way, liste...
The events take place before The Bafford Job. Garrett is out and about, and stumbles on a corpse in a
Caretakers office. The Diary and it's contents bring questions to mind as well as a yearning...
A train has got stuck inside a tunnel after a rockfall blocking both ends of the tunnel. (It's pretty dark in there now!) You were also aboard the train when this happened, because you were hiding ...
Rumor has it that the Frytefull Crypt, a set of pagan tombs, holds great treasures. Unfortunately for you, it's also haunted. According to legend, two of the greatest pagan sorcerers of all time, L...
Well, it seems that the Mechanists have invented a machine that can go to the Moon. The problem is that I want to go in there, all people in the city speak that the Moon is full of gold. I don't kn...
The following events take place not too far from the Dark City.
The Hammerites owning much land in the Mountains above the city, and of course being rich in Gold Ore have built a Fort over these...
A long time ago, Vadrigar and the Mechanists built a prison so secure that it was impossible to escape... Even today, no one escapes from the prison. Vadrigar had dark plans after the construction ...
You have business in the sleepy town of Airsdale. Unfortunately, a serial rapist and
murderer has been on the loose, and the town folk are demanding the perp be found. The local
boys lay the bl...
Garret found a hidden book at the keepers compound and there in the book he read that important Saints were burried along with their battle horns,it seems that these horns give strengh and special ...
Pedro Quintela (not Garrett) lost his sword last time in a fortress when he was trying to search a precious Tiara that worth a lot second the rumors, but this time he has to do more than grab his s...
This story takes place between Thief Gold and Thief 2, while the emergent City Watch, lead by Truart, is raiding criminal organizations in order to take control of the City's black market.
Lord ...
A Meteor made a big hole in the floor and out popped some people. They got silly voices and they can also float! They deserve to die, so Kill 'em, kill 'em all!
This FM is inspired by the novel “90 Years Later” from Laza Lazarevic. Garrett decided to take a rest from his job and to visit his old buddy Boris who lives in a nice mountain village. So, he didn...
I've got a rather... interesting mission tonight. Cutty has told me of a mysterious red stone kept within an old temple on the outside of the city. Apparently, one who posseses the stone can weil...
Garrett has been doing well for himself to be able to afford a little home on the outskirts of Dayport. It was quite old, and while the wooden interior was in bad shape, the walls stood sound. He'...