A week ago, some Keepers paid a visit to me and told me a story about an old castle in the forbidden forest that was once run by the Hammers as catacombs. The Trickster put a spell on all the dead...
Deine schuleiterin konnte ihre blaehungen nicht zurueck halten, wodurch eine kraft entstand, die maechtig genug war, die komplette schule in das universum zu katapultieren. Um den effekt umzukehren...
"Not long ago an old accomplice of yours, Castor, came to you with a proposition to infiltrate
a mansion owned by the City Watch. In this mansion lies a gem with incredible value. It's
The Keeper of the Bell is not a Keeper of keys, or of secrets, nor of people. Evil has Risen once again, along with
mans way of forgetting the basic rules and structures that make us Human. Trag...
So what is going on:
You play this game as Benny the guard. The guard who worked in Bafford's, Ramirez, Sheriff Thruart's and Gervaisius manor, but he was always fired because either someone bro...
That evening I was sitting in dark corner of Stone Book Inn.
Some cloaked figure came to my table and sat next to me.
- "Welcome. Thou hast done many great jobs for our Order..."
- "Hammers" - I...
Andrew, an acquaintance of yours, heard an interesting story of a centuries old abandoned mine. Apparently, it used to be a silver mine but due to some kind of catastrophe, no one goes there anymor...
"The city has been overcome by what everyone is calling the 'Red Death.' The disease strikes even the most healthy suddenly, and death is swift. The streets are littered with dead bodies, and every...
These events take place only three days after the successful theft of Lord Bafford's Sceptre. Cuttys in Trouble with the Hammers and faces possible death, or imprisonment in Cragscleft. Whe...
The Hammerites recently found out that their precious Builder's Chisel is missing.
They found out that it was stolen by an organized thief named Jacob. The funny thing is,
they want YOU to help t...
You have noticed a hole in the hammerite cathedral basement where you will make
your entrance, and you have a unkown fence that pays you good for an assassination
of their priest Fretch, and he w...
Last entry in Talon's Diary, found later by Garrett...
Almost two years agone, Garrett took me in as a student to his ways. For two years, i've worked hard to be the best that I could possibly b...
As I woke up in the morning, after a hot drinkin' night
in the 'Sweet Little Burrick', I couldn't believe what I
see. As every morning, I wanted to say 'Hello' to my
favourite Blackjack 'Arn...
It has been five years since you wiped out Karras's operation. The Hammers have been content and there have been no real threats to the balance of nature. As the Hammers told you, it is written tha...
Part 4 "Planning"
I made it back to the Tavern later that night. John was waiting for me, just like he said he would be, except now it seems he had relaxed a little more. He still wasn’t drinkin...
Two nights ago, You were supposed to meet Keeper Troy at the docks. He was going to give you some important information about a problem regarding the First Keeper. When you got there, you saw that ...
The Keepers never embrace a cause. Embracing a cause would be to lose their balance. However, it seems they always have you to call on whenever they have need of an unbalanced individual to do thei...