An acquaintance of mine, a small time housebreaker called Halyard, was approached by a nervous character who turned out to be a high-ranking wizard at the Academy of the Trefoil Serpent, a secretiv...
When passing through the small town of Brouften, the locals mentioned that the Town Council have been having issues with one of the local nobels. One Lord Drafferi, who has been interrupting Town C...
The Hammerite Imperium was once a great center of learning, arts and culture. It also ruled the continent with an iron fist, bringing all nations under its dominion with conquest, plunder and slave...
Basso's been making ends meet with a stevedore job down at the Docks, and he just came to me with a tip-off. The Lady Lucy, a merchant schooner belonging to Captain Morag, recently came into port....
The main reason for your presence in Tolham tonight is to locate and steal the power stones. There are three of them: Sintabaz's Red, Voidman's Amber, and Tharmaz's Azure. Further study of historic...
Two years have passed since the fall of the Mechanist order and Karras's death in Soulforge Cathedral. The Hammerites have reclaimed the cathedral and restored its former state, turning it into a p...
In The Black Parade you play the character of Hume, a hardened criminal who was sent into exile as a punishment for his crimes. The year is 833, you are now back in The City, a sprawling metropolis...
I was hired to find the Codex of the Abyss. According to legend, the Codex is an ancient book of dark magic bound in man-skin leather. Sounds charming. Its last known location was the Valley of Sar...
A job offer from a prospective client brings you to High Towne tonight. A lucrative area, in addition to the generous payout this job represents. You are to meet at the Mercantile Assurance, #212, ...
The library in the ruins of Darkglow has been untouched for centuries. It's sat in the middle of a city
teeming with undead, with no possible way in. Its knowledge and secrets hidden forever withi...
"I have to do some kind of stupid job tonight.. Ballsy, one of the Baron's workers, disappeared last night and rumors said that he went to explore the catacombs beneath his lord's castle. His mothe...
You have been hired to steal a valuable sword that was forged from ancient elemental stones, called "The Sword of the Stones". The owner of the sword, Credulo, is a rich nobleman who lives in a ca...
Rumor has it the famous architect lord, Greaves, recently came to town and finished construction on his own manor. Greaves was responsible for drafting the plans on a lot of large manors in the Cit...
Although not very related to those OMs, this 3-mission campaign kind of takes place between the missions Framed and Ambush and picks up from the Thief Gold FM “An Enigmatic Treasure”.
"The sanctuary violated; thorns o'erflowing,
Suffer not the living to pass.
The lifeless crawl to choke the light,
Dry pages flutter in the dark..."
Keepers... I can't seem to avoid them no ...
The other night, you met up with an associate at the Loon Lagoon for some drinks and a good time. As the hours ticked by and the mugs were emptied repeatedly, the topic of conversation eventually c...
After embarking on my way back from that cursed ship, Perdurance, in the distance I noticed a bright blue light. It felt so unnatural, not human, drawing me towards it.
Warm light waking me up, I...