Welcome to T3Ed cubemap demo 1! In this presentation you'll see how Flesh engine can handle cubemap in its most common application - reflecting the surroundings. Pull the switch to begin. When the ...
This is a short example mission demonstrating various gizmos and technical effects, including:
Gambling on frog races
Diggable graves
A portable, narrow-beamed "Theives' Lantern"
A portal
A s...
A simulation that merges the horse track with the wrestling match. Two antagonists wrestle
to cause maximum damage - can you predict who will win? The odds of winning are the same for each. A p...
You have often had strange dreams. Dreams take you away from the grime and death on the streets, whether you welcome the departure or not. Tonight, it would seem you had too much to drink before ...
A kind of Dromed tribute to the British Metal Band, Iron Maiden. If you like them you may like this.If you don't like them then dont take it very seriously.
I know you can blackjack a guard from 20 feet away. I know you duel Haunts for sport. But the question is, can YOU hit all the targets in my Archery Challenge?
I have a simple job planned for this evening. Break into a guarded mansion, steal another fat noble mans priceless trinket and leave quietly... wait a minute, that isn't it. You were deposited at...
Strange things have been manifesting themselves at the regional Ducal/Hammerite Asylum... 'Tis up to you to solve to mistery as well as ridding us simultaniously of the priest...
One room with a view of the outside, including snow. Garrett is enjoying the season...
Curl up in front of the fire, admirer his equipment, or use the picture of Constantine for target practice.