This campaign is the sequel to Thief's Rising, continuing the story of Reuben's rise to master thievery. Set approximately one month after the end of the last game, beginning at his new found home,...
Hey, it's been awhile since I set foot inside here. This place has seen better days. I'm not here to stay, anyway, just long enough to take care of a little job.
A man called Sebastian has come ...
After Truart's untimely death, the City Watch was in need of a new sheriff. A lot of stuff has happened since his death, and some members of the watch were discovered to have either been bribed by ...
I had recieved a rather strange offer today. The Mechanists report to me that
their mysterious KD site was ransacked by a group of mages and warriors known as the "Ante Mechanists". They command s...
Today I explored the hotel's library and found a diary of the hotel's previous owner - Titmar. From his diary, I learned that the hotel's south wing was abandoned more than 30 years ago because of ...
The Keeper's Training... It would be so nice to return to where everything began. This is the original map by LGS converted to Thief 3, with some modifications, HD textures, and something else!
Lord Bafford inherits a gift-a mechanist servant. A few months later, the town is stirred with rumors of Lord Bafford's extreme wealth, and more importantly, Where did he get it?
A violent gang ...
Why did I ever enlighten myself on the subject of wizards?
Like all braggarts, they're so smug, yet believe they're so majestic.
So why should it be me they ask for help from, when they find th...
A day, a man became an organisation's cheftain. This man wanted to make the city safe where crimes and thieveries does not exist. This man have used corruption against the men who have corrupted hi...
You went out drinking with Basso last night, and now you awake with a crushing headache. Must have been that special reserve ale he couldn't stop talking about. Man, this is going to be a bad day.
The nobility of the City provide a solid base of income for people like me, especially if you know where to look. Of course, breaking into well-guarded estates is dangerous and requires proper prep...
Abarrach, or the prosperous City of Stone, used to be inhabited by a group of peaceful people who possessed some magical abilities. However, the inhabitants left the city suddenly, and disappeared...
Dunver gave me the list of moneybags from North Quarter yesterday as promised and informed me that some mysterious murders are happening in the Old Quarter. All suspicions are on Lord Cooper, but h...
This mission is a sequel to "All Torc". "Stones and Glass Houses" takes places a month or so after "All Torc".
It has proven very difficult to find someone willing to buy the gems. Fortunately L...
Sheriff Mosely contacted you the other day about a situation that has developed at Soulforge. Shortly after the Karras legions abandoned the cathedral they were replaced by hostile forces and conse...
You embody Lieutenant Hagen, still shut away in the Deepstone block cell. But today, something's gonna happen: you'll be free, you'll be able to come back to Shoalsgate, and above all, you'll be ab...