During a brief visit with my fence, he told me that Mr. Periwinkle was working on some crystals that are very valuable. Thinking that this would be a lucrative opportunity, I traveled via the thie...
Cutty says there is an abandoned part of town known as the Dock District. The good news is that there are no guards anywhere in this part of town. The bad news is that it is rumoured to be filled ...
John's love story concludes... you have the heart box of chocolates and the diamond. Contributions should be placed on the altar so make sure you do that when you enter the temple. Now it is time ...
John's love story continues... you have been asked to find a book of love stories to aid John's quest for true love. One such book exists at the blank compound. Getting into the compound will be r...
My name is Shivan. I am an acolyte at the Excantium Academia, where we endure a grueling education and indoctrination into the Hammerite Legion here on the island of Tallia. It is the night of gra...
The City Watch caught you in the slums and took you to jail. Today is your trial date. The Judge and Jury have found you guilty of many hundreds of crimes ranging from grand theft to assault. Befo...
I'm on the right track. The trail of blood leads away from where I saw the ransom note. I need to find this guy so that he can proclaim his true love to Jenifer. The slums are a pretty horrid plac...
Well, it's too bad that Jeni is married already, but I did find a scroll thrown through the bedroom window. It is addressed to John from someone named Jenifer. Either everyone named their daughter...
You're bored. Kill 2 guards, one in the start rooom and one by the fountain behind the "Ring of Vlad" gate, and then find & steal 2000 loot, plus a few more things you may find along the way, list...
Mr. Oh Dear was incarcerated at Cragscleft in the early years. When Cragscleft closed, all of the prisoners were sold to the nobles as imprisoned servants. Mr. Oh Dear is the sewer cleaner at the ...
You are at the Krankenhaus Hospital.
Something terrible has happened and "Mr. Oh Dear Senior", the caretaker of the crypt, is being accused by one of the archers of being responsible for the att...
You have just arrived at your old apartment to find all of your stuff is gone. The landlord must have evicted you while you were in jail. To make matters worse, the girl you took the ring to wasn'...
Tonight you have your work cut out for you.
During your last redevous with the Mechanists you overheard a conversation about a summit meeting between the Mechanists, the Thieves Guild, and Lord...
You have been arrested by Lt. Moseley of the city watch, You knew this day would come... As you were so gracious to rescue Katie from the zombie infested warehouse district, she has decided to ret...
The town has been taken over by zombies. The warehouse is
the last place in town that hasn't been invaded. The guards there are moving the
crates out before its too late. Make your way to the w...
I recently learned from overhearing the thieves guild that Lord James
moved into a well guarded mansion up in the peaks of the mountains. This should be
a very lucrative spot for supporting my ...
I try to make a general rule to complete a job and complete it well. For some odd reason if something can go wrong it probably will. Little did I know that the city watch was staking out the Rumfo...