The following events take place 8 weeks after Roofs Of Gold ...
My money is getting tight and the house in the deep forest is not the best accommodation. But an old friend of mine gave me some i...
The Hammers are after an item called The Builder’s Rattle. It’s an ancient icon that was stolen by one of their own priests.
Thieving from a thief is always irresistible. No doubt this pries...
The fisheries have had a bad year. Unemployed roam the streets and crowd the pubs. The merchants sleep with one eye open and keep a tight grip on their property amid the unrest. A thief, even a ski...
In the Librarian, you were on a quest to find the Spear of Destiny which is believed to give immense power to the one in possession of it.
At the end of the mission, you arrived at the place where...
The story takes place a short while before The Metal Age...
I received a message today. Someone wants to meet me to make a special request. He, or she, offered me a decent reward which I couldn'...
In these harsh times, when those of my profession do not hesitate to stab each other in the back anymore, I wouldn't refuse a little help when it comes to buying my associates' silence... or silenc...
Umbelina moves on with her life after getting divorced from her ex-husband. Unfortunately he doesn't accept the separation well and makes her life hell. Also, being aware that Umbelina is dating a ...
Volta and the Stone is a fairly large Thief-style mission (Lord Bafford's Manor).
It is the first mission of a campaign that follows the Thief and his encounter with an archaic and powerful force....
The guild had been planning a hit on Lord Kinbote's Manor for well over six months, even infiltrating one of its members as a servant to pass along information about the state of affairs at the hou...
Your accomplice is in over their heads and needs your help. It's the end of winter and the streets are quiet. Taverns, city watch, graveyards and pipes… you might even encounter a diamond!
Picking up right where the accountant 1 left off, you meet with your fence to give him his necklace but unfortunately he changed his part of the bargain. Now you need to find another way out of the...
Garrett finds himself aboard a big, empty cheese-shipping ship full of hungry rats that want nothing more than to make ameal out of him; because to them, he looks like a big slice of Chedder!
It has been a long time since I heard about mystical objects and great treasures. I am getting tired of robbing the same banks and cities over and over. Besides, those "magical" objects are incredi...