It did read rather as something like that, I think the language in the first half maybe got a little too real in terms of tropes for what you were going for, the second half makes more sense as a more jovial piece of absurdism. Anyway, bum note in a symphony as it was, it's one weird readable in a massive, spectacular level made three years ago, it's hardly a hill to die on. Think nothing of it.
As to Broken Goddess, I have no idea what that is beyond a name that oozes what is quickly for ...
Hi there. Thanks so much for the kind words.
I have addressed it in the past, but I'd like to at least attempt to explain the joke in the letter. I admit it probably was a little tone deaf, but the humor behind it was supposed to be sort of a bait and switch. It starts out very serious and the player is supposed to sort of almost clench up and think I'm about to address a very serious real world topic, but then it just kind of switches into something else and becomes ridiculous. Frog beast ...
I'm ok with this review. To be frank, I don't think it's particularly well thought out and the ultra-low score appears to come from a place of anger (I suspect mantling difficulty was the main point of frustration and probably just poisoned the well for every other aspect), but I don't mind it too much. Some people hold a grudge and double down. It happens.
I guess my biggest hangup with it was the very low story score, as I always thought story was probably my strongest skill when it comes ...