This is a campaign pack re-release that contains a lot of fixes. Please see the readme file for more info.
** Bugfix Changes by AntiMatter_16 **
All: Adjusted, reworked, and realigned many terrain brushes to optimize terrain Adjusted, reworked, and realigned room brushes to fix sound propagation errors Added EAX settings to all rooms Added 32-bit Lighting and increased lightmap resolution Adjusted physics properties of many objects so that they more closely fit the model Aligned many, many textures *everywhere* Removed unused textures to reduce memory usage Added colored lighting to torches, flames, and electric lights, among others Adjusted rendering parameters to apply a very subtle color to the shadow Fixed sleeping guards and servants so they wake up properly Reduced lockpicking time for locks that are not by any AI Included optional enhanced sky *.dmls if enhanced skies are installed Added proper inventory object names to keys, and other objects Spellchecked, fixed punctuation, and reworked a few unclear books/scrolls Adjusted fireplace particles, so they don't pass through the brickwork Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
CoS1: Fixed misaligned terrain brushes in the outside area Reworked Roofs and outside areas to be better optimized Replaced outside light brushes with proper sunlight Fixed the silver fire poker ticking off finding the serpentile torc objective Resized manor rooms and trophy room to fit textures better Adjusted how the front gate guards respond and attack when the player acts suspiciously Fixed Garrett's voiceovers so they play properly Fixed and adjusted ambient sound markers Text on Poster Scrolls now displayed on parchment, instead of in-game Added a flow brush around the well water to fix silent water Added windows on the inside that were on the outside of the manor Changed bunk beds with guards in them to single bunks, so guards wake up properly. Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
CoS2: Replaced outside light brushes with proper sunlight Expanded sky areas to connect the courtyard to adjacent areas Moved the second floor higher to better fit textures Fixed an invalid flow brush that resulted in silent water Fixed Zombies so they (usually) resurrect properly Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
CoS3: Removed unnecessary solid sky brushes meant to lower poly counts in T1, opening up views Optimized brushes around the Cathedral, manor and all over town (this sounds mundane but took many, many hours.) Replaced rotated cube brushes used as beams in the manor with optimized wedge brushes Fixed the servant with a tray, so he drops the tray when startled Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
AntiMatter_16 (Michael A. Cleveland)
Bugfix Changes and re-release