This is the first FM I've ever played and it sets the stage very well. I know there exists much more elaborate and well made maps, but the relative simplicity of Geller's Pride makes it an good first dip into the world of Fan Missions. Its writing is really good and sets up a solid timeline of events that's fun to piece together. Gameplay-wise, I was able to ghost most of it and had a fun time while doing it.
However, know this before you play: DO NOT SAVE in the puzzle room. You'll know which one if you find it. I quicksaved as soon as I got in the room and attempted to solve the puzzle, only to give up 15 minutes later out of frustration. When I looked up the solution, I found out that I had apparently gotten it right, but for some reason it hadn't worked. When I went back and loaded my second-to-last save (one I had made much further back, unfortunately), I was able to get back to the puzzle room and solved it with no issues. This is obviously not the fault of the developer and is probably just the engine glitching out, but it kind of soured my experience with what was otherwise a fine mission.
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Thank you so much for the warning! I too saved inside the puzzle room and wondered why the solution wasn't working.
You saved my playthrough, Expedient_Salt!
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