Absolutely hilarious FM.
FM's like this, is one of the mastodons on which the entire community rests.
Music fits absolutely perfect, it's like a movie in the early 90's about stupid guard who always fail to guard the mansion.
And I felt this pain of all guards, when you like a blind cat can't find a taffer in completly dark corners and they steal all the loots in the building and you can't do anything with it.
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Yes, it is very original mission. Sadly it is not discussed much among players though it certainly strays from usual Thief-gameplay formula (which perhaps IS the cause of it). Surprisingly very dynamic and feels like some kind of single-player Thief-match - since being guard, you must protect valuables from thieves by... "stealing" them first (and under time constraints)! Perhaps the best (and def the most original) mission by Zontik.
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