This is the first fm in this year I decided to play and return to the enchanting world of the thief series. on screenshots everything is interesting and exciting but in reality...ahem. maybe i just haven't played fan missions in a long time, but the first thing I have to mention is the terrible navigation in the 1st and 3rd missions. I literally just got lost in the city and didn't understand where to go. there are no identifying buildings or anything like that for which the eye could get caught.
The second moment for me personally is to give more clarity what to do and where to go. especially in the last mission . if the first mission is all clear and in the second even a mini map is not necessary. but in the thrid mission when I stole the main quest item I was surprised that mission didn't end at that moment and I need to go underground and do other stuff and there is another additional 1000 tasks.
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