The NecroAge version of T2X provided on this page is not the most updated one. I recommend downloading voodoo47's version of the mod, which you can find here:
To run T2X: Shadows of the Necro Age (the mod linked above), you will still need to have T2Fix and the main NecroAge mod installed and enabled. The most updated main NecroAge mod is also available in the link above, so download both files.
The load order goes like this:
Thief 2 (+T2Fix)
Necro Age (the main texture mod)
T2X: Shadows of the Necro Age (complete T2X with new NecroAge textures)
If you only load the T2X NecroAge mod without the main NecroAge mod, you will have low-resolution textures mixed with the T2X NecroAge ones, so load them both!
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Thanks for sharing that. What's the release date, and release version number? I couldn't find this info after downloading the zip.
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