Hammerite Relic/Artifact/Talisman Thieves/Thieves Guild
The Stone Hands run the black market here in Hightowne since Ramirez went under last year. They're the ones who deal in the big art trade - selling ancient relics for thousands of gold pieces at on... Read more
RantaKB (Callum Cameron)
The Stone Hands run the black market here in Hightowne since Ramirez went under last year. They're the ones who deal in the big art trade - selling ancient relics for thousands of gold pieces at once. I've heard they're planning to make a particularly lucrative deal in the Bohn Street Theatre after tonight's showing of 'Three Pagans and a Hammerite'. I'm sure I could find a better use for whatever it is they're selling, but the Theatre will be too well guarded by their thugs after closing. The best way to get in is to pretend I'm there for the show, and find somewhere quiet to hide until the show's over.
star 7.78
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