Assassination Bar/Inn/Tavern/Hotel City City Watch Dock/Harbour/Port/Ship Keepers Mechanist Miscellaneous Buildings Mystery/Detective Phobic (Spiders/Heights) Relic/Artifact/Talisman Warehouse
Two nights ago, You were supposed to meet Keeper Troy at the docks. He was going to give you some important information about a problem regarding the First Keeper. When you got there, you saw that ... Read more
Two nights ago, You were supposed to meet Keeper Troy at the docks. He was going to give you some important information about a problem regarding the First Keeper. When you got there, you saw that the City Watch had gotten there first. It seems that they had arrested Keeper Troy, so pay a visit to the local watch station and find out what happened to him.
As the story unfolds, new objectives will appear.
This mission will take you from the streets of the city, through a Mechanist temple and the city watch to a Keeper compound.
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