City Horror Most Absorbing/Keep Busy Rescue Thieves Highway/Rooftop Thieves/Thieves Guild Undead
Zealot’s Hollow. The pagans say it is a place of ancient magic. It was a holy place even before the first bricks of the City were laid. The City founders too knew the magic of the place—anyone d... Read more
Xorak (Christopher Lafond)
Zealot’s Hollow. The pagans say it is a place of ancient magic. It was a holy place even before the first bricks of the City were laid. The City founders too knew the magic of the place—anyone did who stepped foot amongst the glowing trees. For centuries, the place was walled in and kept as a garden, passing through the hands of the noble dynasties. And every generation buried their dead here. Even the Mechanists buried their martyrs here. They knew the magic would protect their dead, though they never fully trusted in it. That's why they warded their tombs with machines.
And through the garden’s history, the Oracle of Zealot’s Hollow has watched from her shrine. Her powers of predestination and prophecy are tied to the magic of the place. She was once a god to the pagans, a descendant of the firstborn in the Hollow.
Yet over time, the City’s streets and alleys sprawled outwards, consuming the Hollow. The walls were brought down, the garden was torn apart. The old noble families moved on. The Mechanists have lost power. Now a gang of street rogues has taken control of the alleys of the old Hollow. They’ve bolstered their power by breaking into the tombs below and plundering all that is valuable. The pagans say that these thieves have awakened the creatures that protect the tombs, kept alive by the magic of the Hollow.
The Pagans have asked me to rescue her. They foresee the collapse of this once divine place, as the bricks of the City sap the Hollow of its magic. They want their Holy Lady back, before another of their gods is destroyed by the City. Yet they say that she refuses to leave her shrine, for if she departs, her powers will ebb away and become nothing.
Perhaps before I do anything, I should seek out the Oracle and learn the truth of what’s going on here. Why wouldn’t she choose to leave this place, when it's crumbling down around her?
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