City Houses/Cottages/Apartments Rescue Sewer Thieves/Thieves Guild Undead
I recently came back from a short spell in the north, where I'd gone until things calmed down in the City. I may as well not have bothered. Things are getting worse. The economy is all to hell and ... Read more
madwolf (Kevan Swain)
I recently came back from a short spell in the north, where I'd gone until things calmed down in the City. I may as well not have bothered. Things are getting worse. The economy is all to hell and there were riots in the streets a few nights ago. Lots of people were killed. Not long back I could go out on a night's wander and get enough loot to keep me going for several weeks, now it barely lasts a couple of days. In addition, it seems as if any crime in the City regardless of how petty is blamed on me. Not good times at all. Last week a friend of mine, Edwin, came to see me. An independent like myself, he'd reluctantly cast his lot in with some guy called Roberts, who had a plan to rob the Bank. Was I interested? No, of course I wasn't... not at first, anyway. But desperate times call for desperate measures. We agreed to meet at the Inn I'm staying at tonight. But then something odd happened. Yesterday evening, still quite early, there was a disturbance in the street. Guards running about everywhere. The word this morning is that the Bank was robbed LAST NIGHT. And my name is being whispered. I've stayed in my room all day, even though I don't think any of the patrons downstairs know me by sight. Just now a note appeared under my door...
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