Foreign Language Houses/Cottages/Apartments Small/Short
"Vol De Nuit" The first part of the " 15 days" series The story so far... During this cold autumn Garrett must fill his purse to pay his landlord, and he has found the perfect place for ea... Read more
Drk (Kubiac)
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"Vol De Nuit"
The first part of the " 15 days" series
The story so far...
During this cold autumn Garrett must fill his purse to pay his landlord,
and he has found the perfect place for easy cash: the Bikett Gallery.
He needs the help of his friend Basso to carry all the loot and, after
30 minutes' work, he gets enough precious paintings to sleep in a
warm bed for quite some time.
As we all know, Basso is not very discreet, and, while he's waiting
for Garrett outside the gallery, he's noticed by a man. This man
knows that his testimony can earn him quite some money, so Garrett must
now find all the pieces of evidence that accuse him.
The first one is inside a judge's house. The judge is outside his home
for an evening with his wife, but he's known in the whole region for being
paranoid... for this job, Garrett hires his friend Pat the Wallclimber for
a bit of recoinassance, but even Pat can't get past the main door... but
nonetheless Pat can give Garrett some interesting information:
-the judge lost his key for the main door... you must find it if you
want to get out...
- This evening 3 guards out of 5 are away... the two remaining are young
and not very experienced.
- there's a pool in the garden, useful if you drop from on top of the wall...
Garrett then climbs the wall, drops down into the pool and hides himself in
the trees, ready to work... now it's up to you. ;-)
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