Beasts Hammerite Mansion/Estate Maw Pagan Relic/Artifact/Talisman Surreal/Bizarre
Rumor has it the famous architect lord, Greaves, recently came to town and finished construction on his own manor. Greaves was responsible for drafting the plans on a lot of large manors in the Cit... Read more
Rumor has it the famous architect lord, Greaves, recently came to town and finished construction on his own manor. Greaves was responsible for drafting the plans on a lot of large manors in the City, including those of Bafford and Constantine. With all the money from his architect work, he was apparently able to construct a big, garish house of his own.
Greaves is sure to have a lot of valuable trinkets lying around, but specifically, he's recently purchased Bafford's scepter and Constantine's sword on the black market - no doubt these relics hold sentimental value to him, having drafted the initial blueprints for those locations.
Greaves is a smart man, and he's sure to understand that possessing the pieces he does makes him a valuable target for someone like me. Security will be tight, I'll need to be careful. It's time to begin.
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