This mission has been finished for ages, but I always intended to take it further. This was supposed to be the first half of the third Quinn Co mission, but I ended up disliking how the two came together, so decided to make this its own standalone mission and to go and work on the next Quinn Co. I forgot all about this for the longest time, and only last night came back to tie up the loose ends and make it into its own mission.
I made the mission itself as a proof of concept for completely modular architecture. Every wall, floor and ceiling inside the inn is part of a prefab. The rooms, corridors, all of it is modular. I realised how easy it is to create huge areas within minutes, and ended up with a space big enough to accommodate a proper mission. It's turned out pretty well, I think!
It's a standard mission, nothing too special. Sneak around, steal things, have fun! As always, let me know of any problems you find, and leave feedback anyway if you're feeling helpful!
Cheats I'm already infamous for unfair hiding places. There's no shame in being stumped! I'm totally judging you though. Obviously don't expand spoilers if you don't want spoilers.
Boy Plays The Smiling Cutpurse - Part 1
Boy Lag
| Jan. 21, 2019
The Smiling Cutpurse
There have been rumors that the bank has been renting out rooms in various establishments and converting them into vaults. Never believed it myself but a client recently approached me saying he knew where one was. Interesting.
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