You've met your old friend Willick at the Rotting Carcass for a pint and some light discussion, when talk turns to your recent adventure trying to recover an artifact from the upper floor of an aba...
Looks like the Trickster's minions who are still alive wanted me to pay for their master's death. When I was buying equipment I sensed someone hit my head with enormous strength... My mind became c...
This is a death match. You have no hope of surviving. Delete this mission before you get in over you head. You'll NEVER make it!
You've been tossed into a death match arena because you keep p...
You are in a room where a few not very nice characters have been waiting for you to arrive!
Rumor has it that a certain guy named Mirko gave these characters a drug that is very effective and make...
Young Lord Milano has allowed his security to grow lax as of late. Long nights spent drinking and carousing have left the good lord with little time for his more practical duties. Why not teach h...
My trusted ally Tricky Nick left for a routine heist two weeks ago and I haven't
heard from him since. I need to figure out what happened to him so I made a
reservation at the St. Anne Inn where...
Garrett travels in time to the future to steal the enormous wealth it's people are rumored to have. But now he's trapped with no way back. Can you find a way or will Garrett meet his end and be bla...
So you thought Bestest FM was the bestest eh? Think again, because this is even bester! It took me ages to make... A whole year to be precise!
A popular town fair has been closed du...
This campaign is a compilation of three previous missions: Golden Book of Keepers, The Last Page and The Eternal Candle.
These events take place between the events in Thief I and Thief II.
You're bored. Kill 2 guards, one in the start rooom and one by the fountain behind the "Ring of Vlad" gate, and then find & steal 2000 loot, plus a few more things you may find along the way, liste...
Tonight is a good time to go out and do some loothunting. your next target is the new library. such a big place must have some loot lying around for a master thief as yourself, and rumour has it th...
It was a long day taffin’ around the city then you got a BIG BIG Headache,
After gulpin’ some Aspirin you just fall on the bed and……
Uhh, What you said ?..! No aspirin in the Middle Ages ? ….we...
Garrett's evil twin brother Barratt has grassed up our hero to Sheriff Gorman Truart who has seen to it that Garrett will spend the next few years doing a little bird. Quelle horreur! Our hero's we...
Rumor has it that the Frytefull Crypt, a set of pagan tombs, holds great treasures. Unfortunately for you, it's also haunted. According to legend, two of the greatest pagan sorcerers of all time, L...