Certain interests have discovered an island, long abandoned by a mysterious group named the Sidhe. In the ensuing destruction, the Mechanists, Hammerites, and a host of greedy others are exploiting...
Today I am going to break into the estate of Lady Milhorn. Since the death of her husband, she is said to behave somehow... well, excentrically. The break-in will be certainly profitable, since the...
I've been pulled off naval duty for a special mission in our woodland campaigns against the foul
Pagans. A new leader named Kyron has arisen to lead the remnants of the tribes who are lurking in
Today, my contact Marchand has brought me news of a lucrative opportunity. Turns out there is a man living on Fauchard Street named Lendermann. His business is credit, but long gone are the days wh...
Sheriff Mosely contacted you the other day about a situation that has developed at Soulforge. Shortly after the Karras legions abandoned the cathedral they were replaced by hostile forces and conse...
Shortly after the events in Trail of Blood:
Viktoria and Garrett are planning their next steps, as all contact with several pagan settlements in
the northern forest has been lost. Viktoria is afr...
Just recently I happened to learn about a small hammerite outpost where precious ore used to be digged up until not long ago. Unfortunately most of the ore resources are exhausted by now, but since...
It is time for a peaceful and serene holiday, and my place of choice is Saint Moria. It’s situated among quiet meadows high in the mountains with nothing but the sound of birds singing, fresh air, ...
It is time for a Peaceful and Serene Holiday, and my place of Choice is Saint Moria. Situated high in the Mountains with quiet meadows, and nothing but the song of birds singing, fresh air, and Pea...
I have been having dreams lately. Disturbing dreams. Three years ago I did a job on Christmas night at an estate called Snowever, located near a lighthouse. The job ended badly. In addition to not ...
I had a visit by a dark, mysterious stranger.
"You're Garrett, right?" - asked the dark person.
"Yes." - I said
"I have a letter for you." - the dark person said.
I took the letter and read...