You are Haunty von Joinus, the haunt who has been haunting the catacombs below the mechanist seminary for many years. However you have grown tired of patrolling the same hallways for what seems to ...
Garrett thought he'd accomplished his mission. In vain, since the book was a trap. The real Book of Ashes was found by the mages long time ago. Garrett wakes up in a strange place, where darkness i...
The Hammers were responsible, in a way, for the whole ugly mess with the Hunters.
I'm still pretty flush from that job, but it’s time for a little payback.
Stealing the Mallet of Righteousnes...
Dear Diary,
Boy, I am in a pickle for sure! I was caught red handed as the thief who nabbed the king's loot. Personally, I think my wife ratted me out! But rather than toss me in the dungeon whe...
After most of my gear got snatched during a Watch raid... I've been forced to hit the streets and lower myself by picking pockets to survive. But my luck was about to change. Last night I was appro...
A few days ago I was approached by a hooded man. It turned out that he was one of those mages in town and he offered me a job. They want me to steal an artifact for them, "The Blue Star", that is c...
Since splitting from Donal, Thom has made a name for himself. He has managed to get together a gang of competent thieves as well as building a decent hideout in Dayport. Last night his men pulled a...
With all this torch and pitchfork behaviour, I think someone is trying to make sure all the Keepers end up dead, and I'm not so sure if they'll all do me the favour of keeping my name out of this l...
The Unwritten Times. The City grew restless, fearful, suspicious. Balance was lost. A power vacuum created. And nature abhors a vacuum. Without the Keepers' guiding hand, the City was lost in the g...
Mission about Karath-Din town ancient times, a story take place not far from Va-Tarak possessions, at neighbor De-Shiver district, governable by local flamy Lord Marionel, who controls his mages ac...
(This mission happens after the events of Insanity's Crescendo which was in turn sequel to
Unholy Vivid Innocence. Although not necessary, I recommend you to finish UVI and IC first before playin...