An acquaintance of mine, a small time housebreaker called Halyard, was approached by a nervous character who turned out to be a high-ranking wizard at the Academy of the Trefoil Serpent, a secretiv...
The main reason for your presence in Tolham tonight is to locate and steal the power stones. There are three of them: Sintabaz's Red, Voidman's Amber, and Tharmaz's Azure. Further study of historic...
In The Black Parade you play the character of Hume, a hardened criminal who was sent into exile as a punishment for his crimes. The year is 833, you are now back in The City, a sprawling metropolis...
I was hired to find the Codex of the Abyss. According to legend, the Codex is an ancient book of dark magic bound in man-skin leather. Sounds charming. Its last known location was the Valley of Sar...
My new employer looks like a man on the run. Works for me. People in his position usually don't haggle over my price. His trembling voice couldn't hide his eastern accent when he told me about a co...
A job offer from a prospective client brings you to High Towne tonight. A lucrative area, in addition to the generous payout this job represents. You are to meet at the Mercantile Assurance, #212, ...
"I have to do some kind of stupid job tonight.. Ballsy, one of the Baron's workers, disappeared last night and rumors said that he went to explore the catacombs beneath his lord's castle. His mothe...
Following a clue from the necromancer Knoss's grimoire, Garrett finds himself in the gloomy district of Greytwist Murking for an appointment with a shady antiques dealer...
Breaking into the Cat...
Although not very related to those OMs, this 3-mission campaign kind of takes place between the missions Framed and Ambush and picks up from the Thief Gold FM “An Enigmatic Treasure”.
As hammer hits the stone
We carve our words eternal
Let our works relieve our burden
As they endure the tooth of time
So let our wisdom guide us
From all that is infernal
~ A...
"Another day, another well paid job. Raputo's interrogation didn't reveal as much as we
expected and we are running out of time. He said there is a secret correspondence going
on between Archema...
My fence claims that, after years of searching,
some eccentric old coot struck upon a way into Craggenmense,
that sunken gash in the mountains up north.
The whispers of riches from this ancient ...
I was enjoying a quiet drink at the Crippled Burrick, when a commotion outside sobered me up fast.
At first I thought the Watch were there in force to arrest me, but as I quickly slipped out the ...
Extract from Garrett's journal :
"Another day, another well paid job. Raputo's interrogation didn't reveal as much as we expected and we are running out of time. He said there is a secret corresp...
A couple of years ago a band of thieves raided some rich nobleman's house in some remote part of town. The details of the heist elude me, but I know that among the spoils was a particular arcane to...