You know, I think the supposed 'forced ghosting' at the start is one mistake that makes people frustrated. The mission doesn't end if you get spotted, so running around dodging the blackguards is actually a viable strategy -- it's also much more enjoyable than trying to stay hidden, and you make much faster progress in escaping. But players are so conditioned to hide in Thief that this doesn't occur to most people. I love it; it makes you reconsider how you should approach situations, and sta...
I also like this mission. It was a bit linear at first but then I liked the dynamic story and changing locations in it. The vague non-standart and not-so-connected storyline was also quite refreshing. The starting area was harder than other parts - with its forced ghosting - but I didn't find it impossible or that frustrating as some of the commentators here or on TTLG. I think that problem with that area lies in forcing player to play certain playstyle (ghoster) which might not suit his/her ...
I personally haven't played Cube Escape series (maybe, in future), but if you like Coaxing the Spirit, - there is another FM Rose Cottage (also for Thief 2) by Saturnine - it is also big puzzle horror mission with distinct graphics and atmosphere (at least until the Big Reveal). Another a bit similar mission is Eclipsed by HipBreaker (for Thief 2, more open horror city mission). Some Haplo's missions (that series that begins with Unholy Vivid Innocence)...