Autumn Holidays Houses/Cottages/Apartments Mystery/Detective Tombs/Catacombs/Crypts Town Undead
So, You're a Master Thief. You've stolen from Constantine, you've stolen from Lord Rothchest, Edmund and all the others. You've stolen from a god, for heaven's sake! It's about time you g... Czytaj dalej
Purah (Anthony Huso)
You're a Master Thief.
You've stolen from Constantine, you've stolen from Lord Rothchest, Edmund
and all the others. You've stolen from a god, for heaven's sake! It's about time
you got a place of your own...not an apartment. A house, or maybe a cottage...Yes.
A cottage in Lampfire Hills. In the north outskirts of this gear-grinding city,
lies the peaceful (though sternly ruled) district of Lampfire Hills. Now that you
are out of debt you've even given some consideration to retiring there...
Until you noticed something peculiar about your new cottage.
This mission is a surprise with (hopefully) story at the fore. Hence you'll
want to explore your cottage and lawn thoroughly before venturing into the district
of Lampfire Hills. A full briefing waits in your journal downstairs. Oh, by the way,
you can afford to hire a henchman now that you're out of debt...a front gate guard of
your don't go killing everyone you first see...he's difficult to replace.
Lastly, remember, you own the for once in your life you don't have to sneak begin with anyway...
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