For the vault, think up. As high up as you can go inside the manor.
Hi there. Thanks so much for the kind words.
I have addressed it in the past, but I'd like to at least attempt to explain the joke in the letter. I admit it probably was a little tone deaf, but the humor behind it was supposed to be sort of a bait and switch. It starts out very serious and the player is supposed to sort of almost clench up and think I'm about to address a very serious real world topic, but then it just kind of switches into something else and becomes ridiculous. Frog beast...
I'm ok with this review. To be frank, I don't think it's particularly well thought out and the ultra-low score appears to come from a place of anger (I suspect mantling difficulty was the main point of frustration and probably just poisoned the well for every other aspect), but I don't mind it too much. Some people hold a grudge and double down. It happens.
I guess my biggest hangup with it was the very low story score, as I always thought story was probably my strongest skill when it comes...
Thanks for the review.
I initially planned to include an automap, but as you say- they are notoriously difficult to implement.
We didn't reach this decision from the idea that an automap isn't "for real taffers" or something like that. After all, they are included in the original game and we have no problem at all with them.
The real reason was due to time constraints.
We did not even finish the map your are given until about 3 days before the contest deadline.
You may not know thi...