Castle/Fortress City Keepers Thieves Highway/Rooftop
Things could potentially get messy tonight. I was on my way back home when some tough boys ambushed me. They weren't looking for money or anything, they just wanted to kill me right there in the st... Read more
Things could potentially get messy tonight. I was on my way back home when some tough boys ambushed me. They weren't looking for money or anything, they just wanted to kill me right there in the street. Fortunately, I managed to run away unscathed, but these guys are still looking for me. I've managed to piece together something from rumours and hearsays; turns out Messer Beric, an usurer I've done jobs for in the past, sold me out to Raputo, one of the City Wardens, in order to prove that he'll be loyal and pay his tributes. Apparently, Beric's business collapsed with DeWall's demise, and now he seeks the protection of Raputo. Not to mention, Beric's business was run right under Raputo's nose, but he was protected by DeWall at that time. In exchange for his 'good work', Beric received a priceless necklace as a reward, and keeps it stashed in his crumbling castle in Newmarket.
Now is time for some sweet revenge; I am going to steal Beric's necklace and humiliate him; that'll teach him never to double-cross me. I should also steal some valuables along the way, just to show Raputo how I deal with his reckless threats. Raputo doesn't like independents operating within his turf, so I'll make sure to plunder the neighbourhood. I got to be careful, though. With DeWall's downfall, The City became more dangerous than ever. Thugs and assassins are on the loose in the dark, and lawmen and Hammerites prowl the streets in search of heretics and criminals alike. Cragscleft has never been so full.
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