5 minute Wonders Assassination Castle/Fortress Cave/Natural Tunnels Horror Houses/Cottages/Apartments Most Absorbing/Keep Busy Mountains Non-Garrett Player Outdoor/Forest Phobic (Spiders/Heights) Relic/Artifact/Talisman Rescue Small/Short Tombs/Catacombs/Crypts Undead
Sensut (Szabó Csaba) Missions Author
No briefing
1. Prologue
2. I. - The Love Thief
3. II. - The Return (...Of The Darkness And Evil)
4. III. - Traitors Of Poenari (The Beginning)
5. IV. - The Darkthrone
6. V. - The Final Chapter
7. Epilogue
8. Dracula - Reloaded
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if you like Thief 2 game then you must play this fan campaign. at first time playing this, i thought Gellert doing the missions to kill Dracula, but apparently that never happened. i'm very love that twist... don't forget to play "Bathory" after finish this campaign, because Gellert story continue there.
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As one of the millions of vampire fans around the world, I was fascinated with how much love, care and effort went into breathing life (or rather Unlife) into this campaign. From start to finish, you will be chased through various "vampiric", history-inspired locations and visit the lair of Vlad the Impaler himself! Considering the age of this...
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realqi | June 19, 2021 | Dracula Reloaded (2009) T2 FM
Dracula realqi | June 19, 2021 | Dracula Reloaded (2009) T2 FM
DirkBogan | Nov. 5, 2019 | Dracula Reloaded (2009) T2 FM
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