Assassination City Hammerite Humour Surreal/Bizarre Undead
Rage of a Man
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First of all, I'd like to mention that the mission was brought to my attention by the conversation of Tatrashka and Lord Taffer below. Overall, I can't agree with them, but I found studying where and what went wrong in the mission quite intriguing (thus the long and wordy review).Something I'd like to specifically address from the conversati...
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The mission features an unusual story and an interesting twist at the end. The situation in the FM prompts players to find equipment and items as they progress. The map includes numerous notes containing absurd and gritty stories about the people who live there. The level and game designs are excellent; the author did a great job. It is a dream ...
forum Replies: 1 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
This mission is for the player to blow off some steam. Some readables are obscene and crazy at times, but I still had fun. Story is just so insane and comical at the same time. Overall: witless, quite mad, but refreshing fan mission.
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Garrett TMT | April 7, 2024 | Rage of a Man (2024) TG FM
Brother Murus | April 6, 2024 | Rage of a Man (2024) TG FM
THIEF FAN-MISSION: Rage of a Man | [Expert][German] Garrett TMT | April 7, 2024 | Rage of a Man (2024) TG FM
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