City Factory/Facility Sabotage Thieves Highway/Rooftop
I’m not the kind to do anything else but steal, but when the nobility has nothing that’s worth hiring someone like me I must and another way to all my landlord’s pockets with money. I decided to ac... Прочитайте больше
Firemage (Jordan_Maf)
I’m not the kind to do anything else but steal, but when the nobility has nothing that’s worth hiring someone like me I must and another way to all my landlord’s pockets with money. I decided to accept a job offered by a noble engineer named Lord Morel.
Morel is participating in a contest that’s attracting every big head in the City, to crown the smartest... who apparently isn’t Morel. The mission is to sabotage the contest machine of Morel’s rival, Lord Tudor.
According to Morel, the machine works with a core that I just need to damage. Nothing more is needed since he obviously only wants his rival to bring the broken machine to the exhibition so he gets shamed by everyone in attendance when it goes haywire.
Good thing I only need to damage a specific part and not the whole thing, I’m not too keen on vandalism. Most of these crazy inventors are completely unknown to people like me but Tudor is very popular, since he’s the one who sells these latest fancy security devices to rich customers.
He’s also a peculiar person known to wander in the forests around the City when he needs to think. Hopefully he won’t think about an eventual visit from me.
I managed to contact a recently fired employee from Tudor’s assembling factory that’s located in a sub-quarter of Old Quarter named Brightcobble. According to this former worker, the machine should be located on the top floor of the place. He also confirmed the place is protected by a security device and gave me a map to find my way to the factory from the residential section of Brightcobble.
I could have tried making my way in from the other sections but according to the rumors, these were sealed by angry factory owners after a bad appointement which ended up giving more power to the Scrappers, a band of thieves who steal iron to forge cheap weapons.
They’re swindling sellers from the black market and they’re the reason why I was given terrible equipment for my last few jobs. And to top it all off, they’re also not known to appreciate people like me.
But the guys I should be the most worried about are their enemies, who found no better idea than arming the surrounding beggars in order to attack them... too bad these taffers are too dumb to make the difference between a random guy and a thief...
Hopefully no one will see me..
star 8.28
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