I wonder why most of FMs never actually implement the difficulty that player has chosen, so that the gameplay is actually easier or harder.
I mean, often it's only about finding more loot (which is usually not hard), and not killing anyone (which I never do, anyways). Sometimes there are additional items to find, but they only make the gameplay time longer, and not harder.
Implementing game difficulty to things that you describe, would make it ideal. On lower difficulty levels, p...
Lots of different enemies, many enemies you have never encountered before, some enemies respawning endlessly from nests unless you destroy them (which makes a lot of noise, considering it only works with fire arrows), spiders spawning from eggs you destroy, enemies spawning after you have finished an area, stone statues chasing after you, which you can't kill...
Sounds easy? Not at all. 😉
Most fan missions are harder than the original Thief missions, and, these missions are among the ha...