Well, if I would care about majority votes, crap(it seems you like that word) should be the best food as millions of flies can´t be wrong.
I didn´t like this mission, so I stated my opinion about it.
I only respect the work I view as respectable. If someone puts out a shitty mission I don´t care how long it has taken them to make it.
So you don´t need to side with other authors just because I gave your mission a bad rating. Especially considering that you told your friends to register and ...
I don´t give a rat´s ass about the downvotes. It´s the same silly thing as on Amazon when someone rates a product with 1 star some paid "down-voters" appear.
If I don´t like a mission, I state it the way I see fit.
And yeah, if there are empty and boring missions, not my fault.
I gave 3 of 10 gameplay points which is okayish, the rest is meh. And yeah, I´m serious about it.
While you can´t argue about taste and preference, and not liking certain scenarios is a matter of that, the explanation is so wrong and a bold statement. In that way I could also argue the Pagans are nonsense because they aren´t part of "society". Undead were always part of the Thief universe, and Thief was in fact intended to be spooky(the devs said they were inspired by Diablo), and they play their role as evil force. They aren´t comparable to guards, they are just enemies that fight everyt...
I tried to edit the rating but it didn´t work, therefore it seems the site created several topics.
I have to admit, it seems a bit harsh, but then after thinking about it seems fitting. When climbing to a window after several tries with falling to death, dealing with a bowmen only to snag a couple of coins or a 15G goblet in an otherwise empty room, I can´t get too enthusiastic about it.