Well, I don't think there's any way of knowing UdoKrawallo's true intentions. I find it doubtful they're a troll, as they've posted positive reviews as well. Sure, this particular review is very harsh, and I don't understand the rating, but the nature of open forums like this is that people can review however they want, UNLESS they violate the rules, which this person hasn't done. As for UdoKrawallo's credibility as a reviewer, that's for people who read UdoKrawallo's reviews to decide on the...
Ok, I gave this mission what was pretty much a rave review, so obviously I strongly disagree with UdoKrawallo here, but I don't think it serves anyone to attack the reviewer in this manner when the review is not outright offensive and clearly doesn't violate any rules. It's one thing to challenge a reviewer on their opinions but another to say they can't express them, however harsh they are. As someone who has published levels (for a different game) and other things as well, I think creators ...