Topics regarding selected fan missions (any language is allowed, however English is recommended)
I'm surprised how most people have not played this mini campaign.Every mission is full of excellent use of dialog and scripted events, while the first mission is a bit barebones in terms of architecture the later missions more than make up for it.Play this great mission or you'll be missing out.
forum Replies: 1 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
The prequel mission to Sotha's Thomas Porter series is a neat, medium-sized map set on the docks in the dead of winter. You begin trailing a noblewoman through the city streets to find her drug dealer and then set out to deprive him of his stash. It's a lot of fun, featuring Sotha's typical tight guard patrol routes and clever use of darkness an...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
Spoiler free info for people interested:
You'll find a dark and contrasted city sprawl that threads the needle perfectly between making you feel like the title of the mission without you being absolutely lost. You're always sorrounded by tall and meanicing stone walls reminicent of a Thief 1 city, but one that has grown to use both electricit...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 0
This little jewel of a mission has the unnamed protagonist break into the house of a wealthy, and apparently squeaky clean, nobleman in order to prove his talents.
The mission is visually beautiful, with great attention to detail and a lot of effort put into making the various areas of the mansion look visually distinct from each other and li...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 2
It's Garrett's graduation day at the Keeper Academy , what could go wrong ? A lot :)
The first part of the mission perfectly catches the aesthetic of the Keeper's from Thief 1, the academy is full of marble floors and not that well lit corridors and rooms offering any true master of stealth a challenge. The layout is good and the player wi...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
Lubię takie ciekawostki, ale tej konkretnej nie sposób oceniać normalnie. Zatem takie dziwne cyferki mi wyszły.
Tak czy siak:
Misja zabarwiona lekkim humorem. Musimy uciekać przed mężem naszej kochanki. Wyskakujemy przez balkon... i mamy do pokonania z dobre 40-60 metrów drogi w dół, po parapetach, gzymsach i linach. Autor misji od razu zapowi...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 0
Cinder Notes takes you on a brief adventure through a waterlogged golden haze, complete with a detour to nab a painting. Visually, it's very nice. It's hard to take a poorly-composed screenshot; the author has an excellent eye for scenery. Every time I stopped to lean out a window or peek out from under an awning, I felt like I was looking at a...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
A good Thief mission is like a conversation between the player and the developers. Into the Odd is the best kind of conversation, playful and engaging, and as aware of you as you are of it.
It knows you're going to catch sight of a window in the corner of your eye, a sliver of room through it (vivid tapestry, ornate relief, half of a bookshe...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 4
Weird mission , the entire first half of the mission is the player looking for keys in a very beautiful Lost City style town, since all AIs are friendly there is nothing to do but explore,what's interesting is the amount of very well crafted places that serve no purpose than to look good.In the second part of the mission the mission the keyhun...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 0
Everything that was annoying in the first mission "Long way up" has been addressed - frob distance is normal,there is little backtracking and most stuff isn't hidden in BS spots.Difficulty is still really high - AIs are very alert , this time however the no KO/Ghost objectives are optional,puzzles , oh man if you like puzzles then these are ...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 3
Very moody level with a labyrinthine layout in which you will get lost.As with all of Sterlino's missions there are a whole bunch of scripted sequences and unique challenges to the player.
The enjoyment of the looks and feel of the mission is somewhat soured by the two main problems - greatly reduced frob distance (you have to practically ...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
I've been playing through a lot of older missions recently from 1999 to the the early 2000's.
What I've noticed about that era is that there's usually a lot of ambition, but many fail to make their missions actually fun to play.
So with that In mind I was pleasantly surprised to find a fun burglary mission that's well designed and competent.
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
The player takes control of Lt .Hagan and escapes from jail to find out who framed him.
The Good - A lot of custom VO from the author with a heavy French accent makes for a few unintentionally funny moments, Some logical expansions here and there to the OM Framed.
The Bad - There is supposed to be a lot of scripted events that trigger t...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 2
This is a big mission, there's a lot to explore in the city, it managed to give me the feeling i got when I first played "Life of the Party".
The FM isn't without it's issues however. The boxy and simple architecture aren't much to get one inspired. The map is an issue as well, it does its job well enough, but a more detailed map would have s...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
A decent city mission that could have used some more polish and attention to detail. Some areas look nice, while others suffer from boxy and boring architecture.
For it's time it's good but i end up not feeling much about it. Perhaps I've been spoiled by more recent and detailed city missions.
I'd still recommend trying it out, It's not wi...
forum Replies: 1 thumbs_up_down Votes: 0
While crude in architecture and design the mission keeps you guessing what the horror is for quite a while , building suspense.Even in this early mission of Firemage's you can see his talents.
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 0
"The Chalice Of Souls" is a two level campaign, consisting of a city mission and an underground brothel.
The city mission is excellent, a lot of jumping between rooftops and climbing into windows, as well as exploring the streets makes it varied in gameplay, combined with beautiful architecture makes it a fantastic stand-alone mission.
The at...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: -1
Let's start with the positives, this missions is visually fairly nice, it's got a cool "countryside horror" vibe to it.
Keeping in with the theme, the mission has a custom ambiance track playing in certain areas. The issue with this is that it's way too loud, I had to go into the files and lower them using Audacity, to spare my ears from the ...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 0