Topics regarding selected fan missions (any language is allowed, however English is recommended)
This is a highly atmospheric mission that mixes things up quite a bit. You have a city, an opera house, warehouses and a mages' guild. The first thing that's really striking with that one is the shadows, which look very sharp and dark, unlike anything else you've seen so far in Thief, I think. This makes it so that the very dark shadows and dram...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 0
This is a simple beginner mission that does nothing really wrong overall. Classic manor with a surrounding garden and some guards to keep watch over the Lord's property. I liked the fact that there is a short sewer with thieves under the house. Roombrushing is quite sloppy but this is arguably one of the hardest aspects of DromEd.
The mission...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 5
Making a Profit may very well be the most ambitious first mission since Pukey's Morbid Curiosity. Not only are Making a Profit's scale and scope very high, but all the scripting behind the scenes is just mind-boggling.
This mission presents you with a massive cityscape dominated by a mountain with a manor on top. The lady's presence looms ove...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 4
Rose Garden is, hands down, the best FM I've ever played. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this flawless city mission, it does everything incredibly right.
Melan's depiction of Hightowne is dark and tall, with several gothic and industrial-looking buildings. Castles, courts, greenhouses, gaudy palaces, oriental/Calendra's Cistern-lookin...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 7
Shadow Play is exactly the kind of mission that could be found in the original game and that could easily replace Lord Bafford's Manor as the first mission. It is a very straightforward mansion heist but it's done so brilliantly it's a near flawless experience.
The atmosphere with this one is through the roof, with excellent shadows, perfect ...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 6
The Hunt is a fairly standard mansion romp with a little city bit that doesn't do anything wrong, but doesn't do anything particularly right either. The biggest problem with this mission is that there are lots of inoperable doors, especially sewer hatches, that both limit the amount of options available to break into the mansion, but also makes ...
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Comprised of two missions, The Scarlet Cascabel is a tremendous achievement and most likely the mission that will win the contest (at least, I think so!) (NOTE: I was right!). These two missions are quite amazing and Tannar and Pukey pulled off a Herculean feat with it.
The first mission takes place in a remote little town in the woods, mostl...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 4
The Tomb of Saint Tennor is another stellar mission in a contest that has nothing but stellar missions. Divided into two missions, The Tomb of St. Tennor has Garrett in search of a hammer buried in a catacomb complex under a countryside cathedral that fell prey to the undead. The first mission takes place in the cathedral and has a very Sepulchr...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 2
This is an incredible city mission that uses Thief's outro cutscene's aesthetic to the maximum of the Dark Engine's ability. This part of town is decrepit and swallowed by the looming Metal Age, with machinery and smoke everywhere. I have never seen anything quite like it and it works incredibly well. The lighting is approriately very dark which...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 3
In Trial By Night you are a new recruit to the local thieves' guild and are set loose in the darkened streets of the City for a test. You are to meet with Drannor, your instructor, but things get a bit out of control from there. The city is very well designed with narrow streets, pipes and other stuff to keep players interested. It looks very mu...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 5
Thieves' Highway is, like its name says, a rooftop mission. You are forbidden to get close to the streets and must instead find your way on top of the different buildings of the district. Uncadonego really nails The Metal Age's aesthetic in that one, more so than in The Time That Has Passed, and some of the textures and colors used can make the ...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 0
The Power of Suggestion truly is Uncadonego's masterpiece. You start in a dark closet with no idea how you got there and have to make your escape, defenseless and utterly lost, in a bunch of well-lit rooms occupied by a few guards. You eventually find yourself on the rooftops and follow a funnily suspicious trail of items to finally get a grasp ...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 2
The Time That Has Passed is a rather classic city mission in which you are tasked with getting a valuable clock, breaking someone out of prison and getting a Keeper book. Quite the night, eh? The mission is rather basic compared to Thieves' Highway and The Power of Suggestion, mostly one-dimensional, but it is still quite fun. Your journey will ...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
Garrett was approached by a shady fellow called Bok who asked him to help him on a job, fearing said job was too tough. As Garrett looked at the map Bok handed him, the latter knocked our poor thief unconscious. Now, Garrett wakes up in a series of caves without any equipment whatsoever, and with a note besides him, in which Bok mocks him.
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
Ok, teraz działało.
Nie mogłem zakończyć misji, gdyż zabrakło mi dosłownie 15 lootu (!), więc już sobie darowałem. Szczególnie, że topografia jest bardzo skomplikowana i szukanie jednego kieliszka to strata czasu.
Ale warto było!
Misja bardzo oldskulowa, chyba nawet na 2017 rok. Dużo objectivów, które kolekcjonuje się w dowolnej kolejnośc...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
Ciężka sprawa.
Po pierwsze, niesamowici skomplikowana, mistrzowska architektura. Zacząłem sobie rysować ręcznie mapę, aby się połapać... a i tak ledwo dawałem radę. Mnóstwo sekretów, pochowanego lootu, a także ciekawostek.
Po drugie, zagadki. Te są mało domyślne i napotykane podpowiedzi to moim zdaniem słaba podpowiedź.
Po trzecie, mrowie prz...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
Fanmisję cechuje doskonały klimat i stały poziom strachu. To jedna z tych gier, gdzie pomimo względnego braku przeciwników, wciąż się skradałem i nasłuchiwałem każdego kroku.
Wspaniale też prezentuje się majestatyczny i przecudownie rozplanowany zamek. Nie brakuje też ciekawych sekretów, a opowiedziana historia to bardzo zrcznę wykorzystanie ...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1
Bardzo ciężko mi orzec, które elementy zostały niedokończone, a które po prostu niekoniecznie miały wyglądać epicko.
Po misji od razu widać zaawansowany warsztat lady Roweny. Mamy całkiem spore miasto pełne różnych tajemnic, skrytek oraz detali, które mogłyby uciec nieuważnemu oku. Rozwiązania niektórych zagadek należy szukać w notatkach na dru...
forum Replies: 0 thumbs_up_down Votes: 1