I actually quite like opening sections. Finding way forward was not easy task (and map was not that helpful), but I liked challenge. On the other hand it was hard to find the main Mcguffin and I didn't like the fact that to finish mission you must trudge through the entire level back.
I can't comment the original release of DF but I played Tough Night which was released along first release of Dark Forest and it was subpar. It is city level with very samey architecture. Very, very samey an...
I think of Short Night's Work as some kind of enhanced "remix" of Augustine's Revenge -also "low-key" city mission but bigger, better, badder. I like this one more, but surely it is not without its drawbacks. Perhaps you may like Nigel's Hidden Treasure more - it was made after AR, and is quite varying as well as Three Crowns. Perhaps to the point when it felt a bit too much varying and exhaustive in my opinion.
I think it's a bit overproduced - like Eshaktaar tried to play with player's expectations and to push himself and players outside Thief FM "comfort zone" but went too far with plot twists and puzzles appearing one after another seemingly endlessly. In the end I felt exhausted and breathed a sigh of relief.
On the other hand I think OB deserves some awe of its ambition. It's not for everyone. It's too sprawling. Perhaps Eshaktaar's small and focused Keyhunt (also puzzle-solver) is what y...
Yeah, final showdown is more like episode from straight up shooter (like RTCW). It's complicated though: it faces you with challenge but different than usual challenge in stealth game. Esp. given poor character movement in TDS. On the other hand it was surprisingly interesting for me. Though I would rather have fully explorable Wolfenstein castle which would have been different and contrasting experience than village.